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Santa Clarita Valley 20 - 25 Ton Transport
Truck n Transfer Trailer 20 - 25 Tons
Santa Clarita Valley 20 - 25 Ton Transport
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$34.99 will be added for each palletized or bagged material
Price Per Load $449.99 Delivery of D.G. & Gravel in the Antelope Valley
Inflation Fighter Sale $399.99
Savings: $50.00
Material Type: Antelope Valley Decomposed Granite, Top Soil, Road Base and Gravel

Quantity in Stock:250

Availability:: Usually Ships in 24 to 48 Hours
Product Code: ZONE2XTNT

Description Material Transport Photos & Liability
Santa Clarita Valley Delivery of up 20 to 25 Tons of material from Antelope Valley Quarries
Equals up to 16.5 square yards
Decomposed Granite


Delivery rates are based upon total miles to and from your delivery location. The transfer truck configurations can haul a maximum payload and have the maneuverability of a 3 axle truck. They are made to carry decomposed granite, gravel, top soil, sand, rip rap and small boulders in mixed loads of gravel or D.G. Truck and trailer configuration can haul approximately 24 tons.
When ordering use the Purchase Order function at checkout and enter ROCK as your payment method. This will allow you to create an order for a firm transportation quote without having to pay for it at this time. While we have posted transport rates, in many circumstances we are able to ship the order to you for less. You will be given a firm cost on the whole order within a few minutes to a few hours.
Product Specifications and Uses
Santa Clarita Valley Delivery of up 20 to 25 Tons of material from Antelope Valley Quarries

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